Whole sporty day aqua trekking in the Verdon Gorge

On a full day of sporting activity, go through the Verdon Grand Canyon, in the heart of its Gorges!

About the whole sporty day aqua trekking

Aqua Trekking Verdon Grand Canyon, river hiking verdon, floating verdon, hiking verdon, hydrospeed verdon, swimming verdon
Aqua Trekking Verdon Grand Canyon

This whole day trip in the Verdon Grand Canyon is the must of Verdon sports activities.


It includes everything:

  • sport with a lot of rapids to go swimming,
  • fun with jumps (optional) up to 10 meters,
  • scenary with amazing areas as "Imbut", "Styx", etc. and
  • sportiness due to the approach and exit walks.


The other advantage is that this activity is little practiced and allows you to discover the Grand Canyon without being surrounded by other groups.


To discover absolutely!

Details of the whole spory day trip



  • Duration : 6 hours
  • Lenght : 5 kilometres
  • Minimum age : 14 years old
  • Cost : 80€/person in summer
  • Period : From june to september, every day in case of no water release by the dam. In summer, every day except tuesday and friday.

imbut trail water, imbut footpath water canyoning
Verdon grand canyon imbut

Aqua trekking courses and rates

Courses Particularities Duration Rates Private rates Period

- Discovery "Pont de Tusset"

Specially for families. 

Good introduction to tha aqua trekking activity

2 hours 45/50 € 360€  June to august

Half day "Couloir Samson"

Grand canyon entry


Highest cliffs

2,5 hours 50 € 400 € May to september

- Sporty Day

"Chaos de l'Imbut"

Heart of the Grand Canyon

Athletic course

6h 80€ 680€ June to september